ולידציה -Computerized System Validation

 This article was written by Iian Shaya, validation,automation and control expert

Each system has a specific life length dependent on the time taken for the system to become outdated; this life length is called System Life Cycle – SLC

The SLC is defined as an organized method to plan develop, test, modify and maintain a computer-based system

:The SLC requires the following

Unit tests – The test protocols shall be traced to low level design document and will be approved by the user prior to execution. The approval of the report shall be performed by representatives of the user’s validation team, IT QA




Implementation coding



Operation and support


Change control


Management must identify and provide an appropriate validation environment. Refer to Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 820.20 which is a law issued by the US

:A plan must be developed to include

Validation tasks for each life cycle system

Methods and procedures for each validation task

Criteria for initiation and completion of each validation task

Inputs for each validation task

Outputs for each validation task

Criteria for defining and documenting outputs in terms


:Electronic Records

The system/product should ensure cover of the following requirements, related to Electronic Records

The system/product must generate accurate and complete copies of records in both human and electronic form

The system/product must protect records to enable their accurate and ready retrieval throughout the records retention period

The operational system/product checks must enforce the proper sequencing of steps in a process, as appropriate

:The system/product must ensure that only authorized individuals can

Criteria for defining and documenting outputs in terms

Use the system, logical access

Electronically sign a record

Access the operation or computer system input, including time/date and idle session

Access the operation or computer system output device

Alter a record

Audit Trail

The system must cover the following requirements related to Audit Trail

The audit trail must be secure

The audit trail must be computer generated

The audit trail must include time and date stamp

:The audit trail must independently record the date/time of operator entries and actions that

Create electronic records

Modify electronic records

Delete electronic records

The system/product must ensure that changes to electronic records cannot obscure previously recorded information

The audit trail records must be maintained for at least as long as the retention of the underlying records

The audit trail records must be available for review and copying

Electronic Signatures – ES

The system will relate to ES (linkage between the record and the signature) during the working process under the following requirements

The ES must contain the printed name of the signer

The ES must contain the date and time of signing

The ES must contain the meaning of the signing, such as approval, review, responsibility etc

The ES must include a part of any human readable form of the electronic record, such as electronic display and/or printout or report

The 3 items above must have the same controls as for electronic records

The signatures linked to their respective electronic records must ensure that these records cannot be cut, copied, or otherwise transferred by ordinary means for the purpose of falsification

The system must ensure that the electronic signature is unique to one individual and not be reused by, or reassigned to, anyone else

The electronic signature must employ, at least 2 identification components, such as identification code and password

The system must enable customization of workflow signing rules (using one or all signature components in different scenarios), when an individual executes a series of signings during a single or continuous period of controlled system access

The system must be contained into a unique Digital Signature (biometrics, token, cards, cryptographic symbols etc

Controls for Identification Codes/Password

The combination of the identification code and password must be unique

The combination of the identification code and password must be revised, e.g., to cover such events as password aging

Unauthorized use of password identifications and devices must be reported to the system security unit and/or management, as appropriate

 This article was written by Iian Shaya, validation,automation and control expert

אילן שעיה ilan Shaya

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